*Please review the Parents/Guardians & Guests Code of Conduct before registering your child to play with SRA.*
Registration will remain open until the close date or until the division limit has been met; space is limited so please be sure to register early.
Ages for divisions are determined by the following calculations:
Baseball – Child’s age as of April 30, 2025
Softball – Child’s age as of January 1 of the current year
Basketball – Child’s age as of September 1 of the current year
IMPORTANT! Your child’s space will not be reserved until registration has been completed with payment. If you see the option of a donation only, you are not in the correct divisional form. Please review the birthdate guidelines, and select the correct form. If you are unsure of the correct league, reach out to the registration director (include child’s birthdate) to verify that you are using the correct form. Players will not be eligible if they have not paid the registration fee (even if you have made a donation versus paying the required enrollment fee).
Refunds: Note, refunds will only be issued up to the date of draft picks. Once teams have been established, full refunds will no longer be issued. Refunds will not be issued for situations or closures that are out of SRA’s control.
Baseball/Softball registration fees includes a team jersey and team hat (socks for softball). Other uniform items such as pants, socks, belt are the responsibility of parents/guardians. As an organization we have made the decision to use grey pants, black socks and a black belt – Baseball League wide. So, if you are buying new pants we would like to suggest that you purchase those colors. If however, you already have pants (no matter the color) you are welcome to wear those instead of buying new ones. Basketball registration fees include a team jersey. If you do need any uniform items, make sure to check out our Community Events where you can get a discount and SAVE on gear!
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the registration director at registration@srasports.org
Spring 2025 – Opens January 1
*All Leagues have a maximum registration allowed. If the cap is met, the registration will close early, and no additional players will be permitted. Register early to guarantee your spot!
Click HERE to register for Baseball
Spring 2025 – Opens January 1
*All Leagues have a maximum registration allowed. If the cap is met, the registration will close early, and no additional players will be permitted. Register early to guarantee your spot!
Click HERE to register for Softball
Winter 2023/2024 – Closed
Click HERE to register for Basketball
Winter 2024/2025 – Closed
*Total Capacity is 75 participants. Register early to guarantee your spot!
Click HERE to register for Cheerleading
Additional Important Registration Information
Things to note about our registration process when its time for you to register your child(ren).
- Once you click on the Registration button, it will open a new window for you to create a “log-in” for a site called TeamSnap. TeamSnap is where our Registration Form and information will be held. If you have already have a TeamSnap account, just use the “import player information” so that no new log-in is required and you can pull information from your first registration that was created. If you are new to the TeamSnap system, click the “No Thanks” choice and register from scratch.
- After you register you may log-in to TeamSnap at any time, but there will not be anything to see until your child is assigned to a team.
TeamSnap assists with communication, displays schedules, games, practices, and more.
- When you register, you may use any Web browser (IE, Safari, Firefox or Chrome) to register, but please note that people with IE have noticed things not quite lining up as they should. You may still register with IE, just know that the other 3 browsers may appear to be more pleasing to your keen eye.
- If you have questions on the Registration Forms or process, please email us at: registration@srasports.org
- Everyone must register online, there are no manual forms.
- All payments are through the Team Snap Registration process; we do not accept checks.