Spring 2025 Registration – Closed

* There will be no exceptions or registrations after the close date. All Leagues have a maximum registration allowed. If the cap is met, the registration will close early, and no additional players will be permitted. Register early to guarantee your spot!

All players should register for the correct division based on age. Players will only be allowed to play down in the case of a medical condition or serious safety concern noted by a board member. Players who would like to play up should notify their league’s commissioner and attend both league evaluations. They will be moved if there is space and it is appropriate based on their evaluation.
Anyone found to be altering their child’s birthdate to play in a particular league will forfeit their player’s registration fee and not be allowed to participate in future SRA seasons. 


  • 8U (ages 7-8) $155
  • 10U (ages 9-10) $165
  • 12U/14U (ages 11-14) $175

The criteria for determining your child’s league is based on her age on January 1 of the current calendar year.

If you have questions concerning your child’s readiness to move up an age division please contact the VP of softball at softballvp@srasports.org.   

Important Dates

Evaluations at SES – February 23rd 


Each player should attend one evaluation date. If you are unable to make it to either of the eval dates, please send an email to softballvp@srasports.org stating that you still intend to play and you will be placed in the draft accordingly.

                *SAP is Summerfield Athletic Park located at 5200 US-220 / SES is Summerfield Elementary School located at 7501 Summerfield Road

  • Team Drafts (Coaches Only/REQUIRED) –  Feb 28
  • Practices Begin – March 3
  • Regular Season – April 1
  • Playoffs – June 4 through June 10
  • Pictures – TBD
For ALL sports: practices and games may be scheduled any day of the week and/or on weekends. Game times typically begin as early as 5:30pm on weekdays and may last as late as 10:30pm depending on the specific league. Practice times are chosen by the Head Coach and can be any day of the week and/or on weekends. On the weekends, fields open as early as 8am and close at 10pm. SRA does not accept requests for specific coaches, teammates or practice days/times.

Equipment & Safety Regulations

  • Protective equipment requirements: Fielders masks will be required for ALL softball players both infield and outfield.  Face masks are required on all batters helmets.
  • No jewelry is allowed to be worn during play.
  • SRA recommends use of a heart guard in ALL age groups for players in the pitchers position.
  • SRA adheres to all COVID related procedures as required by Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services.
  • SRA takes head injuries seriously. Please review our Concussion Protocol. 

League Details

Softball 6U {Ponytail} / Not currently offered

6U softball is for girls age 4 to 6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In 6U, players will receive three pitches from a coach and, if unsuccessful, hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching. The primary goals of 6U are to instruct children in the fundamentals of softball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. 

6U Rules

Softball 8U

The 8U Division is intended to teach 7 and 8 year-olds the fundamentals of softball by the simplest method possible – letting them play the game. Bases are set at 60-foot paths with a 35-foot pitching distance. In the 8U league, pitching and catching clinics will be offered to help prepare the players for the next level of play in 10U. 

8U Rules


Softball 10U

10U represents the young players first transition into kid pitch, the 10U Division is for 9 and 10 year-old players. The game is played on a field with 60-foot paths and a 35-foot pitching distance. 

10U Rules


Softball 12U/14U

12U/14U is for 11 through 14 year-old players. The game is played on a field with 60-foot paths and a 43-foot pitching distance. 

12U Rules


Softball Summary / Ref Guide


Pitching is a critical part of the game.  Some of the fundamentals for pitching development are described in the document below.

Softball Pitching – Fast Pitch Basics


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